Jumaat, 14 Oktober 2011

Whose the person to find during CRISIS?

Your company is in crisis. Whose the 2nd important person after CEO during a crisis? (i'm talking to you PRO!).  Yeah! it's PR Officer indeed.  Probably the during this period PR is the most busiest person in the world (besides Prime Minister) but company crisis is not something new in the business area.  So what do you do as a PR of the company?


It's a battle of war for you.  Preparation is a must.  Preparation can include developing a detailed crisis strategy, creating media materials in advance, arranging media training for key executives and pre-establishing a crisis team

Make sure all the facts is there.

Gather as much information about the situation as quickly as possible and form a variety fo sources.  Consult legal counsel and communications counsel to see what information can be released and what should not be reveal.  IF by any change, the 'not to be reveal' news need to be shown as an evident just make sure it do not jeopardize the corporate image of the company.  Stay in constant contact with the management or crisis team.

Tell the truth.

Information release to the media or the publis is TRUTHFUL. If it happen to be false, Man! your in great danger! The credibility will definitily be irreparably damaged.

Show you care and sincere.

Do the best to understand what the public's concerns will be and adress those concerns directly.  Be sympathetic to those affected by the issue at hand.

Never overlook the power of common sense.

Think through the differenct crisis solution scenarious.  If your gut instinct is that they are off the mark, get more information and keep thinking.  Trust yourself and your advisors.

No one can predict a crisis, so as a 'success PR' appropriate foresight and thought can be one of the tools to handle crisis. 

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